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Growing the Next Generation of EAS

Start your Career  in the Equine-Assisted Services Industry with PATH Intl.

Whether you are a high school student wondering what to do after graduation, a college student looking for a meaningful part-time job, someone in the middle stages of life looking for a career change, or anywhere in between, PATH Intl. is here to help you navigate your career options within the equine-assisted services (EAS) industry.

Do you…

  • Want to make a difference in your community?
  • Have patience, empathy, time management, organization, creative thinking, problem solving and interpersonal skills?
  • Enjoy teaching and interacting with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds that may be similar or different from your own?
  • Possess a love and appreciation for equines including the skills, or desire to learn the skills needed to care for and partner with them in equine-assisted services?
Then a career in one of the many facets of the equine-assisted services industry may be right for you!

Careers in the EAS Industry

The equine-assisted services industry is a broad and growing professional sector of the equine industry at large, focused on assisting people with varying disabilities in partnership with equines through a variety of service areas. According to a 2023 Economic Impact Study by the American Horse Council, the EAS industry contributed 14,971 jobs with a total impact to the United States economy of 9.21 million dollars. In such a broad and growing field some careers may seem obvious like a therapeutic riding instructor or barn manager, while other roles such as volunteer coordinator and development director may be less obvious but equally as important. Here is a growing list of careers, with varying levels of educational requirements, found within the EAS industry:

Visit our classified ads webpage to see a sampling of current job openings within the EAS industry.


Want to Become a PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor?

What is a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor?

The PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI) is a voluntary, entry-level credential for individuals in the equine-assisted services (EAS) profession who provide riding instruction and therapeutic value to people with disabilities. This may include mounted or unmounted work ethically partnering with an equine. PATH Intl. CTRI®s have met established criteria and standards of practice in the field. They have demonstrated their knowledge of disabilities, equines, teaching and human-animal interactions.

Why Should I Pursue PATH Intl. CTRI® Certification?

  • Since 1969, PATH Intl., a federally registered nonprofit, has led the advancement of professional equine-assisted services by supporting members and credentialed professionals with rigorously developed standards, credentialing and education.
  • The PATH Intl. CTRI® is the only certification in the equine industry that has been accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the accrediting body of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. This accreditation helps bolster the professionalism of the CTRI certification and the EAS industry.
  • As a PATH Intl. Member and CTRI you can trust that you are receiving industry-leading education, information and access to a broad professional network on your career journey.

What’s my First Step to Becoming a PATH Intl. CTRI®?

Visit the PATH Intl. CTRI® webpage and review the steps to certification, expected costs and candidate handbook. Have questions? Contact for all your PATH Intl. certification questions!

Do I Need to Live Near a PATH Intl. Member Center, Premier Accredited Center or Supervising Instructor to Become a CTRI?

Not necessarily. Although it may be easier to obtain teaching and experience hours if you reside near a PATH Intl. center or supervising instructor, it is entirely possible to obtain these hours with a supervising instructor who does not live close by. Connect with your PATH Intl. region representative or PATH Intl. certification department staff to learn more about your options.

Find a Center Near You!

The field of EAS is growing! There are nearly 800 PATH Intl. Centers dedicated to developing professionals like you to take on impactful roles. You can connect with a program near you to start your journey as a PATH Intl. credentialed professional by checking out the PATH Intl. Find A Program feature here. If you’re looking for a supervising instructor for your PATH Intl. CTRI® visit this page.

Not Old Enough to Become a PATH Intl. Credentialed Professional?

No problem! To become a PATH Intl. CTRI® or an EAL facilitator you must be at least 18 years old. To become a PATH Intl. Therapeutic Driving Instructor, interactive vaulting instructor or equine specialist in mental health & learning you must be at least 21 years old. There are plenty of skills to work on at any age before taking the official steps to becoming a PATH Intl. certified professional.

Consider doing any of the following activities to gain experience hours towards your chosen career path and make sure it’s the right fit for you before financially committing to a certification:

  • Volunteer at a PATH Intl. Member Center near you. Visit PATH Intl.’s Find a Center feature here to find one. Volunteer roles vary by center but could include caring for equines, leading horses in lessons, or helping with special events.
  • Shadow a PATH Intl. credentialed professional for a day to see what a day in their life is like. Ask questions to see if their role could be right for you.
  • Consider joining your local 4-H club to learn more about equines. 4-H is a national organization for youth ages 5-18 to learn life skills through hands-on project-based work. To find a 4-H club near you visit the National 4-H website here.
  • Consider joining your local Pony Club to learn more about equines. Pony Club is designed for anyone, regardless of age, to learn riding skills and the care of equines through mounted and unmounted lessons. To find a Pony Club near you in the United States visit the USPC website here. To learn more and participate in Pony Club in the United Kingdom click here and for Pony Club in Canada click here.
  • Shadow a special education teacher or volunteer for a local nonprofit organization that works with people with varying abilities, like Special Olympics, to learn more about working with youth and adults with disabilities.
  • Check out PATH Intl.’s Higher Education Membership page to find colleges and universities that offer equine-assisted services programs. While a college degree is not required for PATH Intl. certifications, attending a college that offers the opportunity to earn your PATH Intl. CTRI® credential while studying a related or separate degree could be a great opportunity to graduate with additional marketable skills.
  • Subscribe to receive the PATH Intl. ENews emailed on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month and other PATH Intl. updates to stay connected to the industry.

Not Old Enough to Become a PATH Intl. Credentialed Professional?

No worries! To become a PATH Intl. CTRI® or an EAL facilitator you must be at least 18 years old. To become a PATH Intl. Therapeutic Driving Instructor, interactive vaulting instructor or equine specialist in mental health & learning you must be at least 21 years old. There are plenty of skills to work on at any age before taking the official steps to becoming a PATH Intl. certified professional. Consider doing any of the following activities to gain experience hours towards your chosen career path and make sure it’s the right fit for you before financially committing to a certification:
  • Volunteer at a PATH Intl. Member Center near you. Visit PATH Intl.’s Find a Center feature here to find one. Volunteer roles vary by center but could include caring for equines, leading horses in lessons, or helping with special events.
  • Shadow a PATH Intl. credentialed professional for a day to see what a day in their life is like. Ask questions to see if their role could be right for you.
  • Consider joining your local 4-H club to learn more about equines. 4-H is a national organization for youth ages 5-18 to learn life skills through hands-on project-based work. To find a 4-H club near you visit the National 4-H website here.
  • Consider joining your local Pony Club to learn more about equines. Pony Club is designed for anyone, regardless of age, to learn riding skills and the care of horses through mounted and unmounted lessons. To find a Pony Club near you in the United States visit the USPC website here. To learn more and participate in Pony Club in the United Kingdom click here and for Pony Club in Canada click here.
  • Shadow a special education teacher or volunteer for a local nonprofit organization that works with people with varying abilities, like Special Olympics, to learn more about working with youth and adults with disabilities.
  • Check out PATH Intl.’s Higher Education Membership page to find colleges and universities that offer equine-assisted services programs. While a college degree is not required for PATH Intl. certifications, attending a college that offers the opportunity to earn your PATH Intl. CTRI® credential while studying a related or separate degree could be a great opportunity to graduate with additional marketable skills.
  • Subscribe to receive the PATH Intl. ENews emailed on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month and other PATH Intl. updates to stay connected to the industry.

For Colleges and Universities

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Why Our Professionals Love PATH Intl.

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I belong to PATH Intl. because PATH Intl. Centers offer tremendous benefits for many special needs, and it's an excellent educational resource.

Judi Nelson