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PATH Intl. Grievance Process


PATH Intl. Grievance Review Panel Purpose

The review panel will implement policies and procedures with respect to grievances against PATH Intl. members, mentors and member centers. The panel will be responsible for the review and resolution of grievances. Resolution may include disciplinary action including termination of membership, removal of accreditation, or removal of accreditation subject to the right to appeal the panel’s decision.

Learn more about the Grievance Review Panel >

Grievance Review Process >

Grievance Form >


Process for Filing Grievances

Who may file a grievance?

Grievances may be filed by a member of the public, a Member Center member, a site visitor, faculty, evaluator, certificants, mentors or an individual PATH Intl. member. Complainants must have firsthand knowledge of the grievance issue. In situations where there is a legal or licensing agency action that could be considered a violation of the Code of Ethics, the Chair of the Grievance Review Panel may file a grievance on behalf of PATH Intl.


Against whom may grievances be filed?

PATH Intl. members, Member Centers, instructors, certificants, site visitors, evaluators, mentors and faculty.


What is a grievance?

Grievances are violations of the PATH Intl. Code of Ethics or a PATH Intl. Standard.


What is not a grievance?

Hearsay, employer/employee disputes, customer/business disputes and grievances against nonmembers or nonmember centers.


How to file a grievance

Grievances must be submitted in writing, signed by the complainant and must use the official grievance form. A form may also be requested by writing, emailing, or calling the PATH Intl. office. Grievance forms may be sent to the office by email or by mail. Additional information may be requested by the Grievance Review Panel in order to investigate the grievance. The email or outer envelope shall be marked “Confidential – Grievance.” The address and email for submitting a grievance is located on the grievance form.

Supplemental information may also be sent in addition to the official grievance form.  PATH Intl. does not review grievances submitted anonymously.

Grievance Form >


Disclaimer:  PATH Intl. staff cannot give recommendations on what constitutes a grievances or provide an opinion if a grievance should or should not be filed. Staff will only provide directions on the grievance process.