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Press Releases

Start the New Year Off Right!

The holiday season means rushing around, trying to get things done before the end of the year. The holiday season means buying that last minute gift, even knowing that it won’t get delivered on time. It means figuring out meals and decorations and cards and lights and music and and and. Of course, feeding the horses as well, because they don’t want a day off from eating. Because they don’t take a day off, neither do you.

So start the year off right by focusing on you with outstanding education offered in the PATH Intl. Administration Webinar Series.

The PATH Intl. Webinar Series is an excellent way to focus on you and all the tasks you accomplish during the day. This series focuses on administration, designed for you with your passion, service and dedication in mind. The first webinar starts on January 7, 2021.

In the series, you will learn how to make social media an effective part of your overall marketing plan; critical thinking to direct the future of your business; board development; succession planning; and understanding functional expenses to help build sustainability. Each webinar is presented by experts in the field of Equine-assisted Services.

To register:

Need more information? Email . We look forward to starting the new year off right.

About PATH Intl.:

The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International® (PATH Intl.®) was formed in 1969 to promote safety and optimal outcomes in equine-assisted services (EAS) for individuals with special needs. At nearly 750 member centers, more than 66,000 children and adults, including 6,200 veterans, may find improved health, wellness and a sense of pride, independence and fun through involvement with horses. Therapeutic horsemanship at member centers may include hippotherapy, equine-facilitated mental health, driving, interactive vaulting, trail riding, competition, groundwork and stable management. Through a wide variety of educational resources, the association helps individuals start and maintain successful EAS programs. There are nearly 62,500 volunteers, 5,011 instructors, 7,800 equines and thousands of contributors from all over the world helping people at PATH Intl. Member Centers.

About PATH Intl.:

The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International® (PATH Intl.) was formed in 1969 to promote safety and optimal outcomes in equine-assisted services (EAS) for individuals with special needs and others. At 794 member centers, more than 46,600 children and adults, including 5,200 veterans, may find improved health, wellness and a sense of pride, independence, and fun through involvement with horses. Member centers offer therapeutic horsemanship including riding, driving, interactive vaulting, groundwork, and stable management; physical, speech and occupational therapies; mental health services incorporating equines; and coaching and learning programs, among other services. There are nearly 40,000 volunteers, 4,863 PATH Intl. certified professionals, 5,250 equines, and thousands of contributors from all over the world helping people at PATH Intl. Member Centers achieve their health, wellness, and learning goals. Through a wide variety of educational resources and certification programs, the association helps individuals start and maintain successful EAS programs. PATH Intl. offers the first and only independently accredited certification program in the EAS industry. The PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor® Certification, first accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies in 2022, demonstrates the competency of therapeutic riding instructors and adds credibility to the EAS industry as a career path.